Monday 5 November 2012

Episode 03 - The Day The Internet Exploded


It was already a busy week. The holiday fare of Halloween and the impending threat of Storm Sandy. You'd think that would've been enough. But no. Disney annouced it's purchase of Lucasfilm.

And then the internet exploded.

Of course we had to disscus it and give our opinions of the biggest pop culture news of the year. We break down our inital reacttions to the news and speculate what this could mean for one of geekdoms greatest frachise's future.

 Rob and Erica gave their in depth review of Disney's latest animated adventure Wreck-It-Ralph.  How does this latest film stack up to Disney's legacy of animated feature films?

Avi brings up some old reviews of David Fincher's Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and the 90s television series Early Edition.

We also gave a shout out to itunes user TiffB123 who left us a rating on and a comment on our iTunes page!  You can subscribe to us on iTunes here - LINK

If you have any questions or comments or just want to say hey, feel free to email us at We'll answer all your questions on our next episosde!

You can also listen to the episode here!


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